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To Vax or Not

As they say, Knowledge is Power.

The most controversial topic of the day, the COVID-19 vaccine. This is our own journey and we are accountable for our own health. We should spend as much time researching what is best for our health as we do researching a new car or flipping through our social media.

First off, a disclaimer. I am not an anti-vaxxer. All my children received their shots and only one of five experienced an auto-immune disease which may or may not be related and meant nothing to me until recently. I am also not making any recommendations and ask everyone to do their own research and not take my advice or that of Dr. Lee Merrit, or Dr’s Shahab, Tam or Fauci.

What is provided below are facts that can be uncovered by using the search engine DuckDuckGo. I publish this as the media is not doing its job. Back in the 1960’s, ‘70’s and ‘80’s, before the mainstream media become owned by large multi-national corporations, or, as in Canada, heavily subsidized by the taxpayer, there was investigative journalism, today that is dead. Over the past 30 years, journalism in the United States has gradually shifted towards more opinion-based content that appeals to people's emotions and relies heavily on argumentation and less on objective news coverage. Bottom line is, they used to give both sides of the story, today they do the bidding of their owners.

One might argue that the COVID-19 vaccine is more about about politics and money than science. For example, one dose of Moderna’s vaccine goes at roughly $35US. Take that, double it for that second dose and say Big Pharma is able to jab 70% of the seven billion people in the world, you just created a $350 billion+ industry bump up, and this isn’t counting the booster and new variant shots already being talked about by Bill Gates and others. This is big business and shares of Novovax are up 6,400% this year with Moderna up 800%. This may explain why existing medications like HCQ at 37cents per pill(ref#1) or $20 per treatment of COVID, or ivermectin, which India supplied to many of its citizens was less than $3/treatment(ref#2) were banned April/2020 in most of Western Europe and North America. Other countries continue to use it with resounding success.

With regards to Moderna you might be surprised to learn that this is the first drug the company has ever made.

According to the WHO there are 180 vaccines in use or in trial at this time and none have been approved. Any that are in use were granted Emergency Approval in the country using them. This is unprecedented in history as all humans taking the jab are part of the lab tests. This all happened in seven months whereas normal approval process for new drugs is 7 to 10 years (ref#3).

There are five categories for which the vaccines fall into. (ref#4)

1.DNA/mRNA – Definitely the most controversial vaccine choice since mRNA has never been used before. It has raised concerns among many in the scientific community of the dangers of causing an auto-immune disorder or Cytokine storm 12-16 months down the road from an over acting immune system. Pfizer, Moderna which are used in Canada are these types. Others not ready until later this year or next year are GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi.

2. Virus vectors - These vaccines use a weakened version of a common cold virus (known as an adenovirus) incapable of causing disease itself, to deliver a virus antigen into the body.Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca are these type. These have been used in Ebola vaccines. Notably Russia, China and India are all using these types of vaccines and are producing them independently and will not use mRNA. China’s CanSino and Russia’s Sputnik are utilizing this method.

3. Inactivated – These vaccines are a tried and trusted method. Used in some types of flu shots, polio, yellow fever and others. China’s Coronavac is using this method. A company called Valneva is the only company in the US or Europe working on this method and won’t be approved until the fall of 2021.

4. Live-attenuated virus- the most recognizable and successful existing vaccine strategies, already used to protect against measles, mumps, smallpox and polio and others. These contain virus weakened in the lab. The virus is still viable (live) but cannot cause disease. After vaccination, the viruses in these vaccines grow and replicate, stimulating an excellent immune response. Currently one being worked on in Australia but I cannot see where it is offered anywhere in the world at the present time. Too bad.

5. Protein subunit - Subunit vaccines do not contain live components of the virus but are made from purified pieces of the virus (protein antigens) that trigger an immune response. Again, this is an existing technology, used for instance in hepatitis B vaccines. Novovax, the company with shares up 6400%, is currently developing this vaccine. Interestingly, Nasdaq almost delisted this company in 2019 as their shares had dropped to $1 on the heels of a second failed vaccine attempt in less than 3 years. This is also the methodology that is being developed in my hometown of Saskatoon at the University of Saskatchewan’s Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization, VIDO for short.

VIDO is constructing a facility here in Saskatoon and should be completed and ready for production by 2021.

It is too bad that we currently only have a choice of mRNA vaccines in Canada as this appears to be much riskier compared to the inactivated, the live-attenuated and protein subunit which have been around for years.

The mRNA method is currently not allowed in India or China and appears Russia as well. The deaths and injuries I were able to find for the USA is 929 deaths, 14,000 injuries according to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System as of Feb 12/2021. (ref#5) I also received some data from a friend regarding the Pfizer vaccine in the United Kingdom. It shows 111 deaths including 4 vaccine caused abortions and over 16,000 injuries from Dec. 9/20 to Jan 24/21. (ref#6).

Injuries and deaths are hard to find and not every country reports. The media and Big Tech never report this. Israel for example is a country that you can search and find completely contradictory information on DuckDuckGo. Because I have been actively blogging people message me information often and I hear about deaths and injuries happening in Canada and other countries, but I cannot confirm them. The only conclusion I personally can come to at this time is the mRNA is best to avoid. If you plan on getting a vaccine you might decide to wait until Johnson and Johnson or even Saskatoon based VIDO vaccines are available. But that is your decision, and I am glad I did this research. You should do your own as well.

One more statistic to consider. Pfizer proudly speaks of “95% efficiency”. Here is how they arrived at this.

Roughly 40,000 volunteers

Slightly over 20,000 got two doses of vaccine and only 8 caught the virus.

Slightly over 20,000 got a placebo and 162 caught the virus.

Thus, 8 is 95% of 162 so BOOM, 95% efficient!

But wait, 162 out of 20k(+) using Pfizer’s own data, is an infection rate of 0.88% versus 4 out of 20k(+) once again using Pfizer’s own data, an infection rate of 0.044%.

Thus, in absolute terms, the effectiveness is (0.88-0.044) or 0.85%.

Having come this far in my research I have a newfound respect for all that is going on around the world in the development of vaccines. I still believe that we do not need a vaccine for this virus. But that is my own opinion, and it is based on my belief that this virus is like a flu and shall always be with us so best we deal with it. It has a high survival rate which would be much better if we used proper protocols. I also believe that we have a wonderful immune systems and I do not wish to upset it or chance it being over stimulated (re mRNA possibility of Cytokine storm) and cause problems in the months ahead. We are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for and it is not our fault. We have been conditioned to believe that we need “pills” to fix us and, in some cases, they are required. Plant based medicines have been around for centuries and HCQ, ivermectin and the recent Quebec doctors touted chocoline, are examples of plant-based drugs that could be used instead of vaccines for much less cost and much less risk. They also should be used as preventative measures for the vulnerable such as those in nursing homes to reduce mortality. I think for the elderly are much better served by Vitamin D, zinc and existing pharmaceuticals than shocking their fragile systems with an experimental vaccine. This should be THE priority across Canada, I cannot stress this often enough.

Yours in love if this great province we call Saskatchewan,



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